Clown Loach Sulking


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2009
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We had to move our clown loach into a new tank last weekend due to the old one leaking.

Its all set up, pretty much the same way as the last only bigger with a few more plants.

The old filter media was all added to the new filter and water stats are fine

We have 4 clown loach, two older ones (3"long) and 2 small ones (1-1.5")

The small ones are darting all over the place but the old ones wont come out, they shoot out from under one house to go and hide under the bogwood, and then back again

I tried brineshrimp to cheer them up but they're still refusing to come out, yet the young ones shoot all over the place,

any suggestions?????
It can take up to a couple of weeks for them to relax into their new surroundings, I wouldn't worry to much.
Its a 200l tank, and yeah it seems like they are starting to get settled.

not to be an ass, but they will need a bigger tank eventually, im sure you know this, ;) i have 5 clowns in my 55 gallon (just over 200 l) but i am rehoming them tomorrow...sorry to see them go, but they are getting pummeled by my new convitcs
Yeah, I know they will need a bigger tank. I keep looking out for one for the eventuality but the two biggest are only about 3" and the other 3 are about 1.5" so I reckon they'll be fine for a fair while yet.

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