Clown Loach Sizes/Growth


Nov 25, 2004
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I have 3 clown loach in my 55g, two are from an original lot of 3 that i got at about 1" long each, and one (a replacement for one of the original 3 that died) that was slightly bigger - about 1 1/2". The thing is, the later one and one of the original loaches have grown rapidly since i added them (one is now about 2", and the other nearer 3"), but one has remained no bigger than the size i got him, and he isnt any fatter (the others are not only longer now, but much fatter too). Should i be concerned? he's eating well, and isnt being bullied or anything, he;s just remained tiny.
Is he skinny, what colour is the poo, does he have a sunken in belly.
the belly doesnt appear to be sunken, havent seen him pooing to be honest, he seems otherwise ok. i'm a bit reluctant to treat the whole tank for internal parasite meds just in case he has them, but only other tank i could move him into to treat him is my puffer snail-growing tank, which he'd have a field day in.
One thing to watch for with clownloaches is their coloring. They get pale and almost completely lose their black striping when stressed.

Maybe he's just the "runt" of the bunch? I can tell you I had 3 in my 55 gallon once and one grew much faster than the other two.

he might have grown but u just havent noticed :) I got 2 of my clowns when they were 1.5 inches and when i got my other 4 that were the same size i never really realized how big(and fat) my original two had become lol.
yeah its possible hes just the runt i guess, he has been the only one of the 3 to suffer with whitespot so far which i put down to susceptibility due to smaller size. colouration wise he looks fine, guess hes just gonna be a little guy!!
I wouldn't worry, some just grow slower than others. The other thing is he's obviously not the dominant fish so he just won't grow as fast :)
my biggest clown loach did a houdini last night, hadnt seen him all day so thought id better check the nooks in my jattai wood just in case. I found him wedged solid in a piece of bogwood against my female bristlenose plec. both of the daft buggers were stuck, neither of them would give up the crevice to the other it appears!
chris_1127 said:
my biggest clown loach did a houdini last night, hadnt seen him all day so thought id better check the nooks in my jattai wood just in case. I found him wedged solid in a piece of bogwood against my female bristlenose plec. both of the daft buggers were stuck, neither of them would give up the crevice to the other it appears!
Clown Loaches and most other loaches all seem to like to get themselves in small places and they sometimes get stuck :lol:

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