Fish Herder
I brought a tank from ebay and although wasnt supposed to have any fish from them but she had 2 a plec and a clown loach that she was going to flush, so I took them, the plec died today (after 2 days being here) I cant see any reason for the death, possible stress? The loach is still alive, but to me doesnt look very happy. Ive read that they laying on its side is normal but he/she does seem a little drunk at times. I think he has a slight fungus problem on one side, but he wont let me get a good look at it and only faces one way when I am near him. He is in my quarentine tank so he's not going to infect anyone else, but as the plec died I am keeping a close eye. Is it right that they are prone to ich after stress? Should I treat for ich if he isnt showing it as a preventative? Im not sure if thats a done thing just a question.