Clown Loach Is Ok?


New Member
Jun 28, 2009
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Is it ok to get a clown loach in my 55 gal community, are the agressive towards others, I've heard they like red tailed sharks and I have one but I also have many small tetras, platys, and a danio. Will it be a good addition to this group, total inches of all fish is probly 25 or so. Also have 2 angel fish.
Is it ok to get a clown loach in my 55 gal community, are the agressive towards others, I've heard they like red tailed sharks and I have one but I also have many small tetras, platys, and a danio. Will it be a good addition to this group, total inches of all fish is probly 25 or so. Also have 2 angel fish.

Clown loaches are best kept in groups of at least 4, and can reach over a foot in length (with ~8 inches being common). As such, most suggest a 100+ gal for them long term.

Much better choices are groups of Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki (dwarf chain loach), Botia kubotai, Botia striata, and Botia almorhae (yoyo loaches). They'll all under 1/2 the length of a clown loach, and relatively peaceful.
My rainbow shark loves my clown loacehs in my 55gallon tank there is a ship ornament he hides in if any of my fish go near it he attacks them but my rainbow shark lets clown loaches always stay in it best friends for a rainbow or red tailed shark

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