clown loach in decoration


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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I have a decoration and a clown loach is in it. I no its not dead because it was out 2 days ago and it only comes out at night. What can I do to get it out of there with out breaking the decoration?
is it stuck in the decoration or just sitting in it???

Mine gt themselves into places that I'm sure they're stuck and yet a few hours later they're on the move.
It was in there for like 2 weeks and I thought it was dead. But it came out. It is not stuck but I dont want it in there, and it only comes out at night.
why is the decoration in there... to give you fish hiding places... seems nasty to remove it just so you get to see the fish...
No, its not that. It is a hole in the decoration that air is supposed to go through. And I spent 7$ on a fish. You buy them so you can look at them. And there are plenty of other places in the tank. i dont want him if I never see him and he just takes up space
fish will be fish.. some like to hide... you wont change him unless you just aim to make him unhappy :grr:
well I also want to get the decoration out of the tank. I want a new one in there adn I dont want to kill him
No we tried that. I took it out of the water and shook it heavily and then put it back in so bubbles came out nothing. I know hes in there and doubt he is stuck
If he only comes out at night, then wait till night when he's out, and then remove the decoration. Also, does he have any friends? I belive they tend to be rather skittish when kept alone, or so I'ev heard.
We got 2 but the other is missing also. There is water on the back of the tank so I think he jumped out. My dad says for whoever reccomends for me to get another to send me 7.50$. So anyways he does not. That is we he doesnt like to come out but I dont know what to do. I dont want him in there and would tiger barbs be good?

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