clown loach hiding

go blue

New Member
Apr 10, 2004
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Hi guys and gals,

I'm still fairly new at taking care of fw tropical fish and their behaviors so please bear with me if this is a simple/stupid question. I just bought a small clown loach yesterday because I was told that they eat snails. I went out last night after adding him to the tank. When I came home he was nowhere in sight. I thought maybe my hi fin bull shark ate him but the next morning he unburied himself out of the rock substrate. Is this a normal thing for a clown loach??? I just want to know so I don't get scared everytime I search and can't find him.

Thanks for your help!
Yes, it's totally normal for clown loaches to hide when they are first introduced to the tank. Is he the only one? Clown loaches like to be in groups of at least 3 and do you know how big they get? 8-12" given time, 4" quite quickly.

Have a look here for some more information on your new fish.

Also, :hi: to the forum!
ive had clown loaches bury themselves in gravel. when i start vaccuming i can feel them or they usually run out of the way

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