Clown Loach help


New Member
Dec 17, 2004
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Hi can you help
I have three clown loaches, over the last 2 days one of the clowns is rubbing his self on any thing he can find.
I have looked at him thro a magnifying glass and he looks fine but the rubbing is getting more and more, all my readings are ok Ammona 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 20 apart from the rubbing he is ok
Is this somthing they do from time to time or the starting of a problem
You Help would be appreciated
Soundling like whitespot as clown loaches are prone to it, medicate the tank, turn temp up to 30, throw a blanket over the tank, also how big is the tank, which fish and how many, also can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, also make sure on the itch instructions that is say's if you have to half dose the med with clown loaches.
I have noticed that two of the clowns are flicking so I shall start white spot treatment thanks for your help
If you have an airstone add that for extra aeration with adding the med, good luck.
have your fish begun to exhibit ich? Are you treating? If they haven't exhibited and you are not treating, I would consider holding off on treatment until you are sure it is ich. Ich treatments are extremely hard on scaleless fish (e.g. clown loaches, african knife fish, etc.). I lost my three clowns (5 inches each) during my last ich treatment even though the product was safe for scaleless fish. If you are treating, hopefully the treatment is safe for the loaches. According to a knowledgable dealer in the US, a good treatment for all fish and inverts. is kick ick. However, that is the product that killed my clowns and it is very expensive.

Good luck.

Dr. Quang

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