Clown Loach Grouping Questions


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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I have had 4 clown loaches for almost a year now and they are all doing quite well. Since about 2 months ago, my smallest clown loach has been sitting at the front of the tank all the time. He hardly goes in the bogwood anymore unlike the other 3. I have one 3 inch loach, two 2.5 inch loaches and the small 2 inch loach. I'm not sure what led the small clown loach to not hang as much with the others anymore. He seems fine, is eating well and shoals with the others during feeding. It's just during the day he's not with the others. I am stumped on this one. :blink:
Not sure where I heard this info.......but I heard that clown loaches like to be kept in odd numbers..3...5...7 etc. I had 10 in one tank at one point and 9 of them used to hang together and one was always on his own. I divided them between two other tanks and they now play together 5 and 5. Maybe there is some truth in the odd number thing?? HTH.
Now the small one is in the bogwood with them again. :dunno: The little one is kinda randomly with different loaches. As long as he's happy, I suppose it might be ok, but if I observe any other strange behaviour, I'll account it here.

Thanks for help as yet, any additional information is still appreciated. :thumbs:

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