clown loach friends


New Member
Aug 3, 2003
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hi im new here and i was just wondering if anyone new any good fish to put with clown loaches i was going to put a few angels and some glass fish with them just because i also like these fish and i think the loaches will get along with them ,but if anyone knows any fish that really go with clown loaches please tell me :D
I have a few clown loaches in my community tank with ...
Black Skirt tetras
pristela tetras

We have not had any problems with everyone getting along.
Yes depends on your tank size. Clown loaches get about 8".
From what I've read and heard - Clown Loaches are compatible with Gouramis, Barbs, Danios, and Rainbows. You could also add in a Red Tail or Rainbow Shark, or some Bala Sharks. Also, I've read that CLs are schooling fish, so make sure you have a school of about 6 :)
Sorry my tank is a Us 55gal. I just love the loaches :wub: Until I got them I never really realized what funny little fish they are. Of course the day after I added mine to the tank they did the playing dead on the rock trick & scared me to death lol
I used to have a school of 3 clown loaches, I never had any compatability problems with any of my other community fish... in fact they seemed to like to play (I'd almost even say school!) with some large zebra danios I had in the tank.

Although they do get large, it doesn't happen quickly. 55 gallons should be fine for QUITE a while. If you get into a situation that they start outgrowing your tank like mine did (I had them in a 30 for 2 years) you can sell them for alot more than you bought them for. Because they grow so slowly fish stores are willing to pay a premium for larger guys.

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