Clown Loach Fish

Shane Ward

New Member
Dec 31, 2011
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Just a quick question, I am thinking about getting a load of Clown Loach's because I used to have some before. Like the fish until something major happed to my tank and killed everything in it. My question is will fertilizer hurt these fish, or will they be happy in treated water. I normally add below the standered dose for my tank to feed the plants.

The fertilizer I use is called "I love fish fertilizer," Got it from pets at home and the bottle has a orange top.

Many thanks
Fertilizer shouldn't harm any inhabitants, so I would think you'd be safe using it, though I know very little about clown loaches other than their appearance and that they grow pretty large. If it doesn't say anything in the instructions, on the packaging or on the bottle then I'd expect you'd be fine :good:
Just a quick question, I am thinking about getting a load of Clown Loach's because I used to have some before. Like the fish until something major happed to my tank and killed everything in it. My question is will fertilizer hurt these fish, or will they be happy in treated water. I normally add below the standered dose for my tank to feed the plants.

The fertilizer I use is called "I love fish fertilizer," Got it from pets at home and the bottle has a orange top.

Many thanks

How big is your tank and how mnay clowns you thinking off?
As BBA is hinting at, clown loach are lovely fish, but they do need to be kept in a shoal of at least six and grow to around a foot long, so they are a serious commitment.

If your tank is less than a 5x2x2, you should think about other loaches that might be more suitable for you, like khulis or zebras.

Edited for spelling; hey, it is New Year's Eve!
Just a quick question, I am thinking about getting a load of Clown Loach's because I used to have some before. Like the fish until something major happed to my tank and killed everything in it. My question is will fertilizer hurt these fish, or will they be happy in treated water. I normally add below the standered dose for my tank to feed the plants.

The fertilizer I use is called "I love fish fertilizer," Got it from pets at home and the bottle has a orange top.

Many thanks
I use dry ferts with my clowns. No problem at all

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