Clown Loach Emergency


New Member
Jun 16, 2012
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Ok, so here's the story...

My brother recently decided he wanted to get rid of his fish tank, so I told him I'd take his fish. I have a 3 foot tank and before him I had:

- 1 maingano (its tiny and doesnt bother anyone)
- 2 electric yellows
- 1 electric blue
- bristlenose

and from him I got...

- 4 clown loaches
- 2 silver sharks
- 1 silver dollar
- 1 angel fish

anyway, a few weeks ago one of the loaches (they were all always hiding) came out and was swimming all crazy, upside down, all that, then he came to a screeching halt and laid at the bottom of the tank for a couple hours. I thought he was dead, pulled him out, no movement, flushed him.

Now another one is doing it, he went MENTAL, swimming all like out of water and stuff, and then he did the same thing, came screeching to a halt at bottom of tank. I went to net him and i pulled him out, he laid on my hand for like 10 seconds, then jumped off, went all paralysed again, and now he's lying on bottom of tank all funny like upright.

Whats wrong with my loaches? Why is this happening? Any help would be much appreciated
I don't have equipment here to do a full water test currently, its on loan to brother who is re-setting up his tank :( I thought someone could explain this completely weird behaviour though
I don't have equipment here to do a full water test currently, its on loan to brother who is re-setting up his tank :( I thought someone could explain this completely weird behaviour though

My first theory would be bad water due to too many fish going into your tank, irrespective if it was a fully cycled filter previously or not.
Also, i am not sure those silver sharks and Angelfish will get along.

Sounds like you might be experiencing a mini-cycle until the bacteria can increase enough to compensate for the extra bio-load.
Loaches require a fully cycled tank, try to maintain a daily water change of 30% for a week after which you can do it every couple of days. That should allow your fish not to suffer till the bacteria catch up.

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