Clown Loach depression?


New Member
Dec 3, 2003
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San Antonio, TX
I have been battling a case of Ich in my tank with Rid-Ich+. I was follwing the instructions to the letter. But the other day the Rid-Ich+ must have built up to lethal levels. When I got home one of my Clown Loaches was floating upside down bearly breathing. The other three loaches were in obvious trouble. So I did a massive water change and switched to CopperSafe. Everyone is happy now. :)
But I lost a Clown Loach and a Bristlenosed Pleco in the process. :/
Now my remaining Clown Loach appears to be going thru a bout of depression. He hides behind the filter, does not eat anything and sometimes appears to be searching for his lost buddy. Othewise he looks perfectly healthy when he does come out. Any advice how to cheer him up? I don't know what to do.

Sorry for your loss,

You should consider getting another clown loach as they are likely to be reclusive and basically sad if on their own, this will be worse as your one used to have a companion.

They are best kept in groups.

By the way, what do you mean my building up to leathal levels? How does this happen? I am treating my 71uK/84US for ich at the moment and I have 4 clown loaches. What should I watch out for?

Yes this is often the case when Clown Loaches lose their friends, in my experience a Clown Loach will die a few weeks after his companion, they become very attcahed to there own species and the only way to stop him from dieing is to buy him another friend to make him happy again and even this does not work all the time.
Thanks everyone.
I went to several fish stores today. But I could not find a suitable mate for my clown loach. He appears to be from a different region than most of the clown loaches available here. His marking are different from what I have seen at all the stores. :(

As for the Ick medication, I followed Kordons' instructions on the bottle. 1 dose every 24 hours, 5ml/10 gallons. Preceded with a 25% water change. After 5 days the salt of malachite green must have built up to a dangerous level. My Pleco was dead and my loaches were near the top of the tank with one floating upside down. They were in obvious distress. As soon as I did a water change they all perked right up. Except for the one who was too far gone. :( Anyway, if the Ick medication you are using contains salt of malachite green, keep a close eye on your loaches. Be ready to do a major water change at the first sign of distress. I switched to CopperSafe. We'll see how that works out. Hopefully I won't loose any more fish.


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