clown loach cleaning gourami?


Oct 29, 2003
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sydney australia
i just released my gold gourami from her hospital tank after a nasty fungal infection on her left feeler. the clown loaches seem fascinated and look like they're trying to clean her (they aren't going after the old injury). the gourami seems to actively seek out the clowns in order to receive this service

has anyone seen this before? what are they up to??
Alot of my fish do this especailly Clown Loaches, they are most likely just investigating the new arrival with their sensitive barbels.
I have witnessed symbiotic cleaning between a small flying fox like cyprinid of unknown name and other fish in the community tank they shared, it seems that fish would purposely seek out this fish and lay still while it nibbled all over them on a routine basis, strangest thing ive ever seen :lol:
I got a couple of amano shrimp the other day and I noticed that one of my zebra loaches was sitting in his usual place quite happily while the shrimp picked away at him. I thought it looked rather cute ;)
well some fish (chinease algae eater0 do suck on other fish. i have witnessed a death of a female gourami becasue of the chinease algae eater and he has had a go at my catfish's eye, catfish is in a new tank now and his eye has swelled down. However the most common injury is the loss of an eye. And no i am stuck with a stressy eye sucking territorial algae eater! keep an 'eye' on them but i dont think it is that.
Most of the time when fish start "investigating" other fish and "cleaning" them its a sign that either the fish being cleaned is sick and dying or an issue of dominance. Most fish aren't groomers.
My clown loaches sometimes in spect the other fish in the tank and I have seen them cleaning one another.

well they're still at it but the gourami seems to have got a bit tired of it. i was wondering if her time in the hospital tank (being treated with melafix) had left her with dead skin/scales that the loaches were picking off

i don't think the loaches are hurting the gourami, but i think she wants a bit of peace and quiet now

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