Clown Loach And Rtbs


Nov 25, 2004
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i have a quite grumpy rtbs in my community tank whose probably about 3-4" now, and a small clown loach of about the same size, if not slightly smaller. On several occasions now i've seen the shark swimming erratically, only to see when he turns round that the clown loach is shadowing his every movement side-by-side within millimetres of the shark!! This seems to drive the shark insane, but for all his trying he can't shake the clown loach off at all!! I've seen them doing this on numerous occasions now, and its hilarious to watch!! i was wondering if anyone else had seen them do this kind of thing?
I used to have a pile of Clown loaches, they do better in groups.

Clown loaches like to play together in groups. Your loach is probably trying to follow a playmate around, while the rtbs is probably freaking out. Probably doesn't help the shark that Clown Loaches are good swimmers. Mine liked to pester tank mates.
My clown loaches (group of 3) often follow my RTBS around the tank. Other than the occasional grumpy moment, she ignores them completely.
its strange but i have another 2 smaller clown loaches in the tank probably about 2" each, but the bigger one pretty much ignores the other two

the wierd thing with the big clown is that when he shadows the shark, hes side-by-side and practically on top of him, mimicking his every move

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