Clown Loach And Jewel Cichlid


New Member
Jan 23, 2007
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My compatibility chart says they don't match. But why? Temp, Ph and Gh seem to be the same?!

And if they don't, maybe you can suggest me suitable BIG fish formy tank: 500 L (132 G) with 7 clown loaches, 15 tiger barbs, 6 blue gouramies.

The thing is, my main inhabitants are my clown loaches but they are so small and grow much slower than I expected. So now I'm without big fish. But I would like to have a pair of big fish too. So far I have found only those who are schooling and overcrowd my tank (eg bala sharks).

My filter is JBL Crystal Profi 500 (1200 Liters per hour)
jewel cichlids are verry agressive unlike the clown loaches and even if the jewels pair up they could still kill eachother let alone the loaches as for suggestions you probo coudnt breed them but what about a peters elephantnose their pretty cool dont think their agressice 4 a pair of fish perhaps a pair of firemouths not massive in size but verry good parents
the link in my sig 'how to work out stocking lists' should help you to work out compatibility for yourself

much more reliable than those comaptibility charts which are often wildly inaccurate
Hi Ave
My bonded pair of juwels share a 400ltr tank with 9 clowns ranging in size from 4" upto 8".
I've never seen a problem between the two species, even when the clowns steal their eggs.

if you are looking for a nice scholer for you big tank try and get some apollo sharks.
there are two species of fish sold in the uk as apollo sharks
Luciosoma spilopleura (6"T/L) & Luciosoma setigerum (10" T/L) both will be great in your tank.
they are a top/middle swimmer but are predatory on smaller fish, things like zebra danios,
platys etc would be lunch.

checkout my profile for the other fish that are in my 400ltr for other ideas :good:
no you are quite correct, juwels area very aggresive species
even in my 62G they were so bad they killed a male M.auratus.
since moving them to the 400ltr (100g) they have calmed down a lot.

I conclude that in such a large tank they are naturaly calmer.
as the OPs tank is even bigger than mine s/he should have no problems,
then again it really would depend on the pair of juwels in question.

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