Clown Loach -- A Mistake?


New Member
May 22, 2007
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New England
I recently bought a clown loach. The woman at the petstore (who has 20 aquariums of her own at home) tested my water and gave me the go ahead to get one to eliminate any snails. Now I'm reading that they can grow to be HUGE, and also that they need to be in groups. The woman told me that just one on its own is okay, and that it only grows to 5 inches. The loach seems fine (very active) and doesn't seem to be lonely, but I'm worried that it'll get grotesquely big! :crazy:
I recently bought a clown loach. The woman at the petstore (who has 20 aquariums of her own at home) tested my water and gave me the go ahead to get one to eliminate any snails. Now I'm reading that they can grow to be HUGE, and also that they need to be in groups. The woman told me that just one on its own is okay, and that it only grows to 5 inches. The loach seems fine (very active) and doesn't seem to be lonely, but I'm worried that it'll get grotesquely big! :crazy:
Sorry but that woman is very wrong. Clown loaches can get up to 12 inches although usually a tad smaller in aquarium (still large by every means). They will grow slow but trust me they will grow very large. Also, they need to be in groups to be comfortable. Im sorry to say one is not enough. You need at least 4. Im guessing your tank isnt very big, i think you would need50 gallons to house a proper group of clown loaches. You could always take it back before it gets too large, keeping it in a small tank will just stunt it and injure the fish (it will still get large). Or the other option is buying a larger tank....sorry that you were misinformed. Good luck :good:


p.s. You can find more info under the fish species index-cyprinids-clown loach.
The woman told me that just one on its own is okay, and that it only grows to 5 inches. The loach seems fine (very active) and doesn't seem to be lonely, but I'm worried that it'll get grotesquely big! :crazy:

If you want to see just how big they can get, have a look at this site and check out the video of Marge and her friends!!!!
The woman told me that just one on its own is okay, and that it only grows to 5 inches. The loach seems fine (very active) and doesn't seem to be lonely, but I'm worried that it'll get grotesquely big! :crazy:

If you want to see just how big they can get, have a look at this site and check out the video of Marge and her friends!!!!

OK. Wow. I think I better take it back. :( I really like it, but if it's going to get that huge (AND it needs company), I can see that it's going to be a disaster. I can't believe a fish obsessed woman like that would be so misinformed. :rolleyes:
My LFS has a display tank with a fully grown clown loach - he's enormous, definitely a foot long and about as thick as a drink bottle! :lol:

Soooo many people look at the "cute little stripey ones" and want one - I like that my LFS can show them the display tank and go - now will THIS guy fit in your tank? Cos that's what the little guy over there will grow into..."

Needless to say, a lot of people seem to change their minds!
Most people seem to say they grow pretty fast until about 5 inches, then the growth slows to maybe an inch per year. They don't stop growing though and will continue to grow up to around a foot in length. They also get alot bulkier as they grow.

You really need over 100 gals with good filtration and water movement to keep them. Especially when you consider they're shoalers.
i have two in my tank-they are my favourite fish. i realise that they will grow too big for my tank too over time in which case i may sell them and buy some more. i bought them for snail infestation too. i call them dog 1 and dog 2 because of their dog like characteristis. i will be sad to see them go when they get too big though
i have four of them and just love their antics and they are so fun to watch and just may get few more later on when i upgrade from 90 to 200 if i can convince my husband he thinks ive gone fish crazy ill wait til i move to a bigger house the goal within few years or if not i will put in the basement as its cement floor and wont have to worry about weight of it just love having to watch the fish its just wonderful .. you can always upgrade ... save all your change in the next 5 years and then u have enough to upgrade used tanks

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