clown knife


Fish Addict
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
scottsdale az.
how fast will my clow knife grow he isnt more then 6 months old, only about 2 inches. im feeding him frozen brine shrimp and sometimes he takes a bite outa my dragonfish's alge waffers. so how long do u think it will take for him to grow to say, eh... 5 inches?
i would hafta say take him back cause unless u plan to buy a tank over 100g soon then u cant keep him and they can grow as fast as a inch per month i had one and it grew so fast
If hes over 6 months old and only 2 inches I'd say that he needs to get more to eatyou may want to try some live feeder food like guppy fry or small insects or decapods. a clown knife will however grow to be 30" I believe and will need a far bigger tank than you have, I think that they need atleast a 180
well when he gets that big he will be gogin in my friends tank... he was a baby when i bought him (they said 1 month i thought like 2-3 but you know so he is like 3-6 month old also he will be moving into my 35 when i get my new one just to let you know) :D
opcn said:
If hes over 6 months old and only 2 inches I'd say that he needs to get more to eatyou may want to try some live feeder food like guppy fry or small insects or decapods.
maybe its less then 6 months that was an estamate but, what are decapods?
hummm... just looked it up and i guess people in asia eat it so if he gets to big we could always eat him? -_- that would be :cool: i could take a pictuer of it before the oven, after the oven, :sick:
Root words deca as in decade and pod as in foot ten feet means ten legs and that means shrimp and lobsters :D
opcn said:
Root words deca as in decade and pod as in foot ten feet means ten legs and that means shrimp and lobsters :D
oh, so i feed it shrimp? well i am (brine)
Abs are good but BBS might be too small to provide the nutrients and food to grow. Also have ou considered switching to daphnia?
if its any good to you my clown knife loves and thrives on catfish high protein pellets he loves them also like the odd guppy hope this is of some use (there is a lot of clown knifes for sale round here being sold by garden centres etc to unsuspecting people) when i got bruce the rdc he was in with a 16" clown if not slightly bigger and he was attacking the redtail like mad everynight so even large fish are not excempt hope al goes well
Bomag said:
if its any good to you my clown knife loves and thrives on catfish high protein pellets he loves them also like the odd guppy hope this is of some use (there is a lot of clown knifes for sale round here being sold by garden centres etc to unsuspecting people) when i got bruce the rdc he was in with a 16" clown if not slightly bigger and he was attacking the redtail like mad everynight so even large fish are not excempt hope al goes well
mINE LOVED THE tmc PELLETS, LANCEFISH and he grew at a fantastic rate, but the best fish I ever kept, ie most pet like

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