i have always found the clown knifefish (Nortopterus chitala) to be an amazing fish and now that i have a large enough tank i am wanting to keep one. i am setting up a south asian tank and im planning on having...
1-clown knifefish (Nortopterus chitala)
4 or 5 coolie loaches (Acanthopthalmus kuhli)
1 or 2 silver needlefish (Xenetodon cancila)
5 or 6 giant danio (Danio aequipinnatus)
and 5 or 6 tiger barb (Barbus tetrazona) or red tiger barbs if i can get my hands on them
i know the barbs will be fine (or im hoping atleast) but what about the coolie loaches? they only grow around 5 inches and since both them and the clown knifefish tend to swim on the lower levels will the kinfefish think of them as a fresh meal? im guessing the danios are too quick for the clown knife.
also will the silver needlefish eat the danios?
1-clown knifefish (Nortopterus chitala)
4 or 5 coolie loaches (Acanthopthalmus kuhli)
1 or 2 silver needlefish (Xenetodon cancila)
5 or 6 giant danio (Danio aequipinnatus)
and 5 or 6 tiger barb (Barbus tetrazona) or red tiger barbs if i can get my hands on them
i know the barbs will be fine (or im hoping atleast) but what about the coolie loaches? they only grow around 5 inches and since both them and the clown knifefish tend to swim on the lower levels will the kinfefish think of them as a fresh meal? im guessing the danios are too quick for the clown knife.
also will the silver needlefish eat the danios?