Fish Fanatic
I am setting up a 10 gallon in which I would like to keep clown killies. I have read some articles about them in some fishkeeping journals where the authors were speaking about breeding them. They talked about bare tanks with spawning mops. I also received the same answer/advice on a previous post regarding breeding. However, the journal authors said that when they tired of actively breeding, they just kept them in a small planted tank and they continued to multiply at a slow rate. This sounds more like what I would like to have. I don't really want just a bare breeding tank, as I don't think that looks very nice, and I don't plan on trying to get rich off selling them.
Sorry for the long ramble, now the questions. Any ideas on what could go in there with them that wouldn't be a threat to them or actively hunt down any fry that might appear? I was thinking of corydoras habrosus. They are small, stay at the bottom, and aren't at all aggressive as far as I know.
Anybody think this idea is reasonable? Any other suggestions/comments are welcome. I just would like to know if this whole idea is really stupid.
Sorry for the long ramble, now the questions. Any ideas on what could go in there with them that wouldn't be a threat to them or actively hunt down any fry that might appear? I was thinking of corydoras habrosus. They are small, stay at the bottom, and aren't at all aggressive as far as I know.
Anybody think this idea is reasonable? Any other suggestions/comments are welcome. I just would like to know if this whole idea is really stupid.