Clown Goby Had Disease


Fish Fanatic
Sep 29, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose, California
well ... now I've lost my clownfish .... he didn't eat anything last night and when I came down in the morning he was not moving.

I put bought a clown goby nine days ago and did not see him once .... I thought that he was hiding since they are known to be skittish. But he more than likely died soon after adding him ... I took apart the tank and found him after I took out the clownfish.

There was a clown goby dead in the tank when I bought him, but they implied that the mantis shrimp had gotten to him and I trusted their professionalism -- plus I had wanted a clown goby for a long time. Now, I feel stupid.

The clownfish had a nice disposition, he used to keep an eye on me when I cleaned the tank and he sometimes stuck his head out of the water .... he never picked on anybody.


I'm not sure what to do now.
Did you test your water? The goby may not have had a disease, but died and since it sat in your tank for so long ammonia could have went up causing the death of the clownfish. Regardless, a real shame. That's why quarantine tanks are often treasured :sad:
I tested the ammonia, the nitrates, and the PH ..... everything tested out .... the only thing I have left is one little crab.

I'm looking to buy a small tank used. I guess I can't put any medicine in the tank unless I remove the crab first. I'm wondering if I can get by with just letting the tank stay empty for a month and doing water changes. I guess I'm hoping the filter can remove whatever is in there in time.
I tested the ammonia, the nitrates, and the PH ..... everything tested out .... the only thing I have left is one little crab.

I'm looking to buy a small tank used. I guess I can't put any medicine in the tank unless I remove the crab first. I'm wondering if I can get by with just letting the tank stay empty for a month and doing water changes. I guess I'm hoping the filter can remove whatever is in there in time.

the clown goby most likely died from the disease. like tangs, they are very vulnerable to ick when first added into the tank. A few months ago, i really wanted them too, everytime my LFS had a more shipment, i would buy one and everytime i buy one, the next few days it dies. I learned that when buying fish (in general) but especially clown gobys, wait a week or 2 after the new shipment and if its still flawless in your dealers tank, then its good to go. :good:

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