Clown Fish

andrew catling

Fish Fanatic
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
South London
Is it just my Clown fish that likes the top right corner of my tank :unsure:
He's absolutely fine, goes beserk when its feeding time and loves to play in the flow from my powerheads :D , just wish he would venture a bit deeper as there's a lovely leather waiting for him to move into. (hopefully)
Anyone else have this with their clowns?
I have a pair and they go everywhere except near my leather :( I have heard that tank bred clowns are less likely to host an anenome or substitute. What sort of clown is it? and how long have you had it? maybe it just needs a friend :dunno:

I'm pretty sure he's a common clown although he is not the usual bright orange colour.
He's more a bright yellow with a brown mid riff and was £10 dearer than the perculas, the shop assistant did tell me its name but i've forgotten :*)
I did think about a mate but didnt want to risk any fighting.
No expert, but have read that if you buy them when they are small enough you can get a pair without the fighting. Mine bickered for a couple of days after introduction, but are now inseperable. How about a pic of the clown, sure someone here could ID it. Nice tank BTW, saw it in another thread.

Andrew, mine do the same thing....and i have a pair ! they venture around the tank however, their fav spot is the
back top right hand corner of the tank.....must be a clown thing :p

Yep they do this so dont worry too much. Clowns are ot strong swimmers and will usualy find quiet place to rest during the night that they feel is safe. This usualy means away from the liverock where predators like morays or octopus are. If they find a host though htey feel safer and will spend more tim e on the rocks.
Thanks guys,

Jflowers thanks for the nice tank comment,
I was going to post a pic of my clown but the add attachment box is not where it should be?
Must be an admin thing.

If you post your photo to somewhere like then you can link a photo here but if you want to attach from your own computer then you must use the chit chat section of marines sorry :*)
My clown does not seem happy :no: he just sits right at the top of my tank all the time now.
Sometimes he will be on his side for quite a while move a bit then back tight into the corner.
He doesn't show any sign of ich or any other sickness, no growths, finrot etc: etc: his colouring is still very vivid.
I've watched the other fish just in case he was being bullied but they dont bother him at all.
He will feed but not like he used too, I think it may be swim bladder related due to him being mostly on his side.
Any help would be appreciated.
I fear the worse :rip:
is this a single clown or do you have a pair in the tank?
Yes, they do far better in pairs. you might find it will liven up alot more if you add another
i have single occelaris clown and single green cromis they paired the cromis will follow the clowns every movement and they tend to stay front top right where i feed them

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