Clown Fish

Apr 21, 2008
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I bought some fish from someone he had 1 clown (female) he said its partner died but it went all agessive. I was looking on the internet to see if I could get a male and was reading that if A male clown dies the female will turn to a male so I bought a clown to see what would happen I'v been watching them and they seem to 'play,chase,ignore' and repeat ove and over again.

Will they be fine together?
How long will it take to sort who is male and who is female?

thx xxxx
Yeah, it's tough to say. Clownfish are sexually dimorphic and can change sex depending on conditions. However, once a female, the change is irreversible. So if you do have two female clownfish, there's only one way it will end... With one surviving. Usually the behavior you're describing is the two of them "deciding" whose going to be male and whose going to be female, so you SHOULD be ok in the long run. No guarantees though. Could take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months for them to settle down
All clownfish start out as neither male nor female. As they settle and establish territories they become male. Then the dominant male becomes female. The female grows bigger than the male. If the female dies the male will take her place and become female. The most dominant subordinate then becomes a male. If the male dies then the next dominant subordinate becomes a male.

To get a pair, buy one big fish and one small fish. Any fish that has been on its own for more than a month will be female.
Two females will fight to the death.
Mine were like this when i got them both at the same time. I got the largest one in the tank and a nice small sized one. The female is a lot darker in colour, whereas the male isnt as dark but his colour is lovely too :)
It has taken mine from July 2007 up until now, April 2008 to settle down etc...but the female occasionally has a go at him.
As Ski has said, its hard to sa whether theyll settle or not :good:

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