Clown Fish Worse For Wear


New Member
May 31, 2011
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Hey wondering if you guys can help me, i have had these clown loaches for over a yr and they've been doing well and grown lots. Sadly i lost one saturday for an unknown reason and since have seen two more deteriorate leaving only one healthy one. They seem to be gasping for air and one has a flap of skin protruding from under her eye, doesnt look sore or anything tho. They are not eating and just lying on the bottom of the tank.
Last water change was 50% on sunday and test readings are all normal.
Only change was an addition of 6 x-ray tetras on sunday afternoon.
Any ideas??
how long have they not been eating for?? what size of tank do you have?? have they lost a lot of weight?? i lost a clown to wasting disease once...apparently they are prone to this. are you sure they are not eating during the night?? they have a horrible habit of pretending to be dead when they're ok!! they are also prone to white spot...have you noticed anything like this??

L :unsure:

ps - if they ever do get white spot remember to half the treatment dose for clowns. they don't have scales and so only need half as much to get the same effect. :good:
The tank is 110ltr( sorry no idea of gallons!) they dont seem to be loosing any weight or have any white spot on them, appart from the breathing and not eating there are no visable signs really. They r only about 3" each at the mo if that, but planning to upgrade the tank again soon anyway. Ive put the one with his spine stuck out in a large breeding trap as i read it can be a sign of stress/ agression and hes looking very weak ( i have 2 angels and i know how they have a special ability to find the weaker fish and make them disapear rather fast!) didnt want him to disapear overnight

Also they've not been eating since sunday after i added the xrays, cant say if they r eating at night as they tend to be where i left them. I know they like to play dead but they normally hide when they see me coming and they havent been doing that either!
When you say your water readings are normal, what exactly ARE your water readings.
They both died last night :( ammonia is 0 as is nitrate and nitrite, ph is a little high at 8 but other than that all good
sorry to hear that...not sure what could have happened??? is the one that still looked healthy ok or did you lose that one to??

She seems fine, just hiding now as shes the only one left. Will get her some more buddies in a few weeks tho. Thanks anyway :)

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