Clown Dying


New Member
Nov 30, 2007
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I have a fifty five gal. saltwater with 2 damsels, 1 clown, 2 firefish, 5 turbo snails, 8 hermit crabs. All chemicals are fine, salinity is a little high. He was doing fine and eating well, seemed a little lonely though. So I got three yellow tail damsels to keep him company. 1 damsel got stuck under my geyser and died, but the others are doing fine. One day when i fed them (brine shrimp frozen) he ran into one of the damsels pretty hard head on. After that he will only mouth the food and then spit it out. Now he is swimming vertically on one side of the tank and then sinking to the bottom. I have tried blood worm and flake to see if he just wanted something different but to no avail. I know I will be ridiculed on here for saying this but I do not have a quarantine tank. My LFS said they dont use them at home and have never had a problem, but of course they have a store and can let them sit for weeks before adding to their home tanks. I am doing a partial change on Friday and cleaning my skimmer but the problem does not seem to be my water, maybe the Damsels? Maybe the impact? he has no visible signs of distress. I will post photos tonight after work. Any ideas?
Pablo :huh:
can you post your stats,


we can help you more if we know
We need to know your water stats.
Spitting food out and leaning to onside sometimes can be internal parasites.
Does the fish look thin or bloated.
What does it look like when the fsih goes to the toilet.
Check his anus to see if its enlarged or red and inflamed.

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