Hi all. My dads tank has been pretty bad recently, having the first death in 4 months, being a clown loach. All the other clown loaches are basically hovering at the middle of the tank near the glass, or sleeping next to the filter in-take. They are also becoming anorexic. He cleans the filter and does a water change every 5 weeks (but not at the same time, sort of 2.5 weeks inbetween)
The pakistani loaches are also always lyeing on their sides and resting. I dont see them much.
All 4 of my pleco's are happy as larry, and my angels and gouromis are not showing any signs of being tired.
My red finned shark has been lethargic since he reachedabout 5" a few months ago. (been in tank for over a year now)
Any ideas why? I'll do a pH, nitrite and ammonia test later on tonight if it helps.
The pakistani loaches are also always lyeing on their sides and resting. I dont see them much.
All 4 of my pleco's are happy as larry, and my angels and gouromis are not showing any signs of being tired.
My red finned shark has been lethargic since he reachedabout 5" a few months ago. (been in tank for over a year now)
Any ideas why? I'll do a pH, nitrite and ammonia test later on tonight if it helps.