cloudy water


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
well, for a little while, my fish tank water is cloudy, and i changed it a few days ago, and yes i have a powerful back filter, so that is not the problem, i am goin to change a little over 50% of the water today, hopefully that'll help.
how long has that tank been set up?? its probly bacterial bloom (IF it is a new tank)

edit: yes those 50% water changes will help but you might want it at 25% cause i did that and it went away in like dodododo.... a week or so... :p
maybe 4 days!
50% is imho too much. I'd suggest 10% changes every week. Or 25% every two weeks. For the problem you are having I would change 25% weekly. You'll get differing opinions on this. 25% a week is probably best but I'm a bit of a slouch so I do 25% every two weeks.
well, too late, sorry, i did it right after i posted, no one added a reply by then.
oppositearmor said:
well, too late, sorry, i did it right after i posted, no one added a reply by then.
That is what happens to me too. If it's an action that won't be affected by business hours, I'll wait for an opinion before ai do anything tho...
25% a week is for regular maintenance, for a bacteria bloom, algae bloom, Nitrite or ammonia spike, you can increase your water changes with no problems, with nitrite and ammonia you SHOULD increase your water changes. You will here some say that you will loose any benificail bacterie from the water changes, BAH!, Most of your benificial bacteria is living in your gravel/sand bed, or in your filter on your pads, the amount of bacteria free floating in the water is very very miniscule and you should not worry about it.

White clouds - bacteria blooms - usually occur when a tank isnt fully cycled and you have introduced new fish

Green clouds - algae bloom - usually occur from too much light

Partial water changes will clear up both

I don't recommend chemical treatments for these two types of problems, they are not that hazardous to your fish.

Ammonia/nitrites require even more water changes and repeatd testing, high ammonia and nitrites will do more harm to your fish than any water change will ever do

Remember never do a full blown tank clean up. you will clean out all of your benifical bacteria, and basically set the cycle back to day 1

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