cloudy water

the returner

New Member
Mar 23, 2005
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hi , i hve just set up a new tank(a week old now) its a jewel vision 180(the 180 being how many litres it holds) i have gravel and plants and fish (list below) my water is a shade cloudy . ive used aqua clear twice which did help a little but not alot really. i have no u/g filter but i do have 2 internal filters , one came fitted as standard from jewej and ive added a fluval plus 4. the fish seem fine, no ailments and one of the guppys has already given birth. need some help in this matter if anyone has any ideas other than a water change !

thanks for your help. billy

tank jewel vision 180(36 gallons aprox)


4 guppys
3 black mollies
3 swordtails
golden spotted plec
1 leopard cat
2 koolie loaches
ps , i washed the gravel twice vigorously befor i filled the tank.
May I reccomend two products to you?
First, try to get your hands on some Stress Zyme, by aquarium pharmaceuticals.
If you have a bacteria bloom, this should clear it up.
Then if you want to clear your water really good, get some Crystal Clear by aquarium products. Here's a link. link
This stuff REALLY works. Your filter might need to be changed though.
With this, you can do a double dose, but make sure you do a water change after that, and then you can do a regular dose.
Anyhow, keep up with the water changes. They can only do good! :) :thumbs:
I think that before you start chucking chemicals in, hoping for a cure, you should find ou the cause of the problem. Have you got a picture you can post here?
I think its new tank syndrome, and it will clear once the filter bacteria get up to speed, adding somthing to accelerate it such as stress zyme will help things speed up a bit, i think it should clear in a week, have u tested the water yet. di
U say u have
4 guppys
3 black mollies
3 swordtails
golden spotted plec
1 leopard cat
2 koolie loaches

well that sounds like a lot of fish for a week old tank so i'd use somthing like BACTERLIFE it's made by waterlife and it's suposed to help ur filter bacteria build up and i woldn't use any other treatments apart from ur de-chlorinator.

Aqua clear is a good product but it's more of a thing for non-biologically related cloudyness u should post ur water test results so we can give u more help.
sorry i dont have a pic . but the water if you look from the bottom of the tank up to the surface it seems as tho there is a churning cloudiness in the tank sort of foggy, and if you look from one end to the other its opaque. the only test ive done is a ph test and that was 7.5. what tests should i be doing ? as i said before the fish all seem quite happy feeding , swimming and generally happy . none sulking or hiding away. would a partial water change and adding an under gravel filter help do you tink ?

thanks for your help....billy
The haze will clear up after awhile on it's own as long as you are faithful about gravel vacs and regular partial water changes.

It's annoying though, to see the haze and I fully understand! But I also do not like to add chemicals if it's something that will fix itself naturally.
Squirrelbuddies said:
The haze will clear up after awhile on it's own as long as you are faithful about gravel vacs and regular partial water changes.

It's annoying though, to see the haze and I fully understand! But I also do not like to add chemicals if it's something that will fix itself naturally.
I agree nature is best, chemicals are a last resort.

Your tank should clear with time, i recomend regular water changes untill your fillters are up to speed.

I would test PH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate once a day uitill your tank is matured then the later plus GH and KH once a week after that.

I would't advise putting any more fish in untill your tanks cycled.

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