New Member
-- Help us help you. Please fill in the blanks below, enter
in a question mark "?" if you don't know the answer. --
1) Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate 0,0,5
2) pH/GH/KH 7.2 / ? / ?
3) Temperature 78
4) Tank size/Filtration 55 gal / AquaClear 110
5) Water change amount/frequency 10% /weekly
6) Water additives/Medications none
7) What, how much and how often do you feed your fish? flakefood, twice a day
8) Tank inhabitants look at signature
9) Any new fish added to the tank? Who and when? 3 blue rams / week ago
10) Any unusual behavior or symptoms? no
11) How long has the tank been in operation? 3 months
-- Thanks! --
My 55 gal is getting slightly cloudy. I want it crystal clear.
Im not sure whats/ or what made is cloudy. I know im not overfeeding.
Athough i have lost 3 neon tetras, do to getting stuck to the intake. I found one on the intake of the pump.
I also took a few deco items from the 55 gal to place in the 15 gal to speed up the cycle process. This may have been what did it . It has been a couple days now and it still a little cloudy
i running a aqua clear 110 in the 55 gal
Whats the best thing to clear it up.
in a question mark "?" if you don't know the answer. --
1) Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate 0,0,5
2) pH/GH/KH 7.2 / ? / ?
3) Temperature 78
4) Tank size/Filtration 55 gal / AquaClear 110
5) Water change amount/frequency 10% /weekly
6) Water additives/Medications none
7) What, how much and how often do you feed your fish? flakefood, twice a day
8) Tank inhabitants look at signature
9) Any new fish added to the tank? Who and when? 3 blue rams / week ago
10) Any unusual behavior or symptoms? no
11) How long has the tank been in operation? 3 months
-- Thanks! --
My 55 gal is getting slightly cloudy. I want it crystal clear.
Im not sure whats/ or what made is cloudy. I know im not overfeeding.
Athough i have lost 3 neon tetras, do to getting stuck to the intake. I found one on the intake of the pump.
I also took a few deco items from the 55 gal to place in the 15 gal to speed up the cycle process. This may have been what did it . It has been a couple days now and it still a little cloudy
i running a aqua clear 110 in the 55 gal
Whats the best thing to clear it up.