Cloudy Water

Eel Boy

Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
Had it once because i got a new tank

But its back again

Cloudy water equals ??????

Please help
Hi there. How long has this tank been set up? Could be a bacterial bloom. What are your water parameters? Have you done anything different lately?
Possible reasons:

1) Dirty substrate
2) Dirty filter/improper filtration
3) Algal/bacterial bloom (as Fiddlesticks said)
4) Someone chucking somthing in it without your being aware
5) The fish are mating
6) Dirty water

Give us more info, eg tests you've done
Okay just cleaned my filter
Sorry dont have a test kit will post those on monday
Cloudy water sometimes means that your tank is still cycling. It may still be reaching equilibrium. Its pretty common among new tanks. From what i've heard its not harmful to the fish.
Make sure you get the right one though as Accuclear (without the hyphen) is a pregnancy testing kit. Although this might tell you if there's going to be the splashing of tiny fins it won't help clear your water :D
odd...i have the same problem....mines been set up for 2 months or maybe 3....

we just did water changes, 4-5gals at a time. (it's a 39gal tank). it looks a little better now....but it's still not clear.

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