cloudy water


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2003
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i put sand in my tank and now the water is super cloudy. I let the water sit before i put the fish back in the tank but now the water is super cloudy. i dont know what to do. I TRIED TO DO A 20% water change but nothing yet. any help is good.

thanks ~Boggnials
could i try live plants or what chemicals(as a LAST resourt). any thing is help full. :band:
same problem happened with me.

i just siphoned the heck out of it...use the gravel cleaner on basically every inch of the gravel...making sure that you burrow it deep to get the particles out of it. a 50%-75% water change...and in 12 hours, your gravel will look as good as new!!

was your water white cloudy stuff?...if so, this will work!
You will probably have to clean the sand some more. Either like jpd1489 suggested or if you can remove the fish for a while (large bucket, another tank, bags etc.) and then remove the sand and give it a real good cleaning. HTH :)
hi i would say to definitely take the fish out and put i a safer location and then remove all the sand and clean the heck out of it wash and rinse wash and rinse youll probably have to repeat this several times in order to get the sand to settle down and not cloud the tank so much hope this helps
Adding sand after you've got a tank up and running is not the greatest thing to do, or easiest, as I found out. I didn't get a whole lot of cloudy water, though. Settled within an hour or two. But you've got to make sure and clean it. I put small amounts in a bucket, then tipped the bucket and run a hose into it, stirring the sand while doing so. This stirs everything up and the light stuff floats to the top and out of the bucket, removing all the dust that comes with it. Or a lot of it.

Of course, this is all for future reference. But it might help someone else before they add sand. I also put a 1-2" layer of gravel on top of the sand, so that might have helped keep from stirring it up also. Best of luck.

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