cloudy water


New Member
Nov 29, 2003
Reaction score
east sussex
Hi! I am royboy getting on in years, bord stiff SO decided to try my hand at fish keeping, bought a new tank setup last Monday, tank,heater, filter,stand, E.T.C.
Tank (13gall) has been up and running now for two days (no fish) so can you advise me.
The water is very cloudy altho i have put the fine filter in the filter holder as advised dosn't seem to be clearing
the P.H. is at 7 seems o.k.
tested for amonia thats o.k .
How long will it take for the water to clear, and when do you suggest I put some fish in, and what type?
hi there royboy...

my water was also abit cloudy when i started up.. i ended up changing as much of the water as possible because i think it was because i had disturbed the gravel too much, i think my water may still be a very tiny bit cloudy, but its fading i think.. the tanks been running for about a week and a half, now with 2 white cloud mountain minnows.

so.. id personally suggest a water change.. or waiting for another few days to see if it will clear, i would think it should

see the beginner section for info on fishless cycling to make your tank safe for the first ones...

if you have a heater.. im assuming youre going for tropical fish.. id start with 2 guppys.. they are very easy to keep apparently.

hope that helps abit..
josh :)
Hi royboy and welcome to TFF. :)

What you need to do is cycle your aquarium but first you need a source of ammonia.

I'll provide you with a link that can explain it MUCH better than I, and when you're done, please come back and ask as many questions as needed so we may help you in the best possible way. :)

I had the same problem when I first set up my first tank. I did not wash the gravel before I put it in the tank. There are tons of fine particles in the gravel even when the package says pre-washed gravel. If you do not wash it in a strainer very good before you add it to the tank the water will be very cloudy. My water eventually did clear although it took almost a week for the dust to settle. Now I wash the gravel very well one small batch at a time before I put it into a tank.
Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you'll love keeping fish. It is a great hobby. I'd do as SMB suggested and read as much as you can before you buy any fish.
Thanks for all the help, shall go out and get some ammonia tomorrow and give it a go,

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