Cloudy Water


Sep 3, 2005
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Yesterday I put a 50 watt heater in my 1g just to see how it would work and if it worked good I was going to get a 50 watt heater for it and my 2.5g but unplugged it last night in case their were any temp flucuations in temps. But this morning and even now the water is cloudy. What could be causing this and what can I do to get rid of it?
If it is only 2.5 gallons just take the fish out (im guessing betta) and place it in a small jar with the same ph/temp/cycled. Just to let you know it doesnt take a long time to cycle 2.5 gallons. Then just do a 95% (i mean 95%) water change. Then let the filter (hopefully you have one) quikcly cycle it and put the fish back in there.
I am just saying this without knowing to much about your tank. To give you a more detailed answer i need to ask some questions:

What is youe temp?
How old is the tank?
How often do you feed your fish?
When was your last water change?
Do you have a filter? If so what barnd and model #?
What fish do you have in there and for how long?
It's actually the 1g.

Temp- 70F without heater With heater 78F
Hold old is tank- less than a year
How often I feed fish- once a day
Last water change- yesterday
Do I have a filter - no because no power filter small enough for a 1g
What fish do I have and how long- all fish I have are in my sig and had this betta almost a year
Well to be honest a 1gal wouldn't take long to cloud up without a filter, i would ditch it and get a 2.5gal not worth the trouble.
I may just do a 100% water change because I don't have the room for another 2.5g and it probably clouded up because of the heater.
There are filters for 1.5 gallons. Im not sure about 1 gallons though. I know that you use the filters with the cycling thing (like the one in a hamster cage, where the hamster running on) on 1.5 gallons.

EDIT: Heaters dont cause cloudy water (correct me if im wrong)
DONT do a 100% water change because it is like starting fresh and doing a fishless cycle (especially because you dont have a filter.)
Well the water has cleared up, all I did was add an air stone to it last night and now its clear and since I kept the heater in the tank the betta is more active and seems happier now.

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