Cloudy Water


Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Fort Myers, Florida
Well for the past couple of months my water has been slightly cloudy. I dont understand why, as I am using a cascade 200, and a whisper 60 filter on a 29 gallon. It might might be because of the two plecos I have in it. They will be moving to my pond soon, but other than that all I have is 2 Convicts, and about 25 half inch convict fry. Im feeding them Flake food, and I thought that may be the answer. I dont have a test kit so I cant really do any tests. My glass verso top which I put on it is kind of murky now might be then answer, but I dont know. Any advice would help.

My advice wold be to get yourself a test kit, itll come in handy and you definitely need it. Theres also a small bottle of Clear Water or clear something I cant remember but u put in 1 drop per gallon and like the next day it is perfectly clear. I used that stuff and recommend it. Ill search online to see if I can find what its called exactly and who makes it-i threw mine out because it was empty. Also, how often do you clean your tank/filter/gravel vac
My tank keeps going murky but cant work out why.
All levels are ok, so I cant help you!!
A normally vacuum my gravel, and change 20-30% of my water every week. Could you recommend me a good test kit?
wow... I will be picking one up tommorow from my local petsmart. I will tell you what the results are then.
Well I got a test kit and the results are:

PH - 6.4
NitrAte - 80
Ammonia - 0.25
NitrIte - 0.25

Im guessing that this is not good so can someone tell me what to do.
Well I got a test kit and the results are:

PH - 6.4
NitrAte - 80
Ammonia - 0.25
NitrIte - 0.25

Im guessing that this is not good so can someone tell me what to do.
Well, i think if i were you i'd just start to do water changers. Nothing major, 15-20% which i would do EVERYDAY though. I would do this until my ammonia & nitrites both read 0 an my nitrates were down to about 20ppm. Now, your cloudiness? Is it like a white milky colour? I was thinking perhaps it could be a bacterial bloom? How big & how long has your tank been set up? Have you added fish recently? :fish:
Well I got a test kit and the results are:

PH - 6.4
NitrAte - 80
Ammonia - 0.25
NitrIte - 0.25

Im guessing that this is not good so can someone tell me what to do.
Well, i think if i were you i'd just start to do water changers. Nothing major, 15-20% which i would do EVERYDAY though. I would do this until my ammonia & nitrites both read 0 an my nitrates were down to about 20ppm. Now, your cloudiness? Is it like a white milky colour? I was thinking perhaps it could be a bacterial bloom? How big & how long has your tank been set up? Have you added fish recently? :fish:

Ive had the tank set up for about 8 months, and its a 29 gallon. Yes the water looks slightly milky, but not very much at all.
Well I just vacuumed the water, but as I was putting water back in it stirred some dirt up, so I will test the water again in an hour.
It does sound like a bacterial bloom, i dont know what else makes your water stay cloudy, its soo annoying! Though in sayin that it DOESN'T do your fish any harm at all, so no worries from that side of things! I know that there is stuff you can buy to get rod of it, erm i think its called "bio-clear" (in the UK). Still, keep with your waterchanges for a few days before you add anything. Getting rid of those ammonia & nitrites is the most important thing! Jus for your own info you should do a google on bacterial blooms to see if that helps ya any :thumbs:

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