Cloudy Water


New Member
Sep 5, 2003
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Spring, Texas
I am just starting out, I have a 75 gallon tank with 4 platys & 6 zebra danios (don't worry it's cycled). I am currently treating a very minor case of Flexibacteria with Melafix.

I noticed this morning that my water is cloudy. Am I experiencing another bacterial bloom just as I experienced when I first started cycling my tank? Is this harmful for my fish? The fish appear to be doing just fine, as a matter of fact I think that the Flexibacteria appears to be subsiding as the fluffy white spot has disappeared. However, I will continue the full treatment with Melafix just to play it safe. What could've caused this bacterial bloom if that is what it is? My water parameters are just fine (ammonia & nitrite both zero). Should I do a water change, if so how much?

Did I disrupt the bacteria by removing the activated carbon from my canister filter?

Have you recently changed the water? (This shouldn't really cause such a boom since most of the bacteria live in the gravel and filter. Well If you haven't yes do a water change (maybe 15-25%). Well removing the carbon shouldn't do anything because a lot also live in the gravel. It could be simply the medication I know my medication makes my water weird occasionally. I also know that many anti-bacterial medicines also kill the good stuff so....It could be another bacteria boom. ;)
yeha i have a 32 gallon, my tank is slightly cloudy...ive tried lots of stuff, what would cause it>? my tanks all cycled....
It could be precipitate from the medications or taking the carbon out of your filter reduced the mechanical filtration (sieving effect) of the filter. Try replacing the carbon with some plain old filter floss.
to you 2 guys with bacteria bloom and dont know why pls cheek out my thread
it will tell you completly what it is only thing i dont know is how to remove it

i know that if you clean your gravel TO MUCH or you clean your FILTER
then this could cuase white cloud as its the bacteria re establishing in your tank
if this is the case i know within 0-14 days it should go

if it stays there then its to do with water conditions there are many reasons pls cheek it out hope it helps ya :D ;)

my thread on bacteria bloom

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