Cloudy Water ?? New Tank !!


New Member
Aug 6, 2004
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I have a new 48 gallon Oceanic tank set up (for a week now) and the water is still a little cloudy! I used RO/DI water and have a large Eheim canister filter set up. It's working fine, but the water is still cloudy.

I rinsed 2 bags for silicon gravel (recommended by Pet Shop) 10 times each thoroughly! (I counted). SO the gravel should have been pretty well cleaned.
But why is the water STILL slightly cloudy. This is going on the 5 straight day now! Am I too anxious?

I was in Salt water fish for a long time and just got tired of it. My fish did well, and I know about ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, and all that stuff including water changes. (Which is the reason I have a RO/DI system).

But, anyway, thanks for any help. I would have just imagined by now that the water would be clear. I'm going to add a plant or two next week. I have a system that puts Carbon Dioxide in the water.

I think you might be a little over anxious. Most probably it's the gravel that hasn't settled yet. Do you have any fish in the tank yet?

NO...I have NOT added ANY fish yet. You're right, maybe I just need to be patient.
Being in salt water fish for quite a while, you BETTER have patience. I thought I would let the tank sit for a couple (few) weeks BEFORE I started adding fish.

I'm going to try to add a few plants (live) next week.

Thanks for the advice.

That site you referred me to bud says NOTHING about a tank that has cloudy water! As I said, I have NO fish in the tank...which I also stated.

The ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are fine. I was in salt water fish for a long time and AM familiar with this.

Thanks for the info, but that thread told me nothing new.

It sounds to me as you have most of your bases covered.
What I might suggest if you don't think it it's a bacterial problem due to new tank syndrome, fish/fishless cycling. Then try putting some EHFISYNTH wool from the Eheim in the cannister filter. This in effect "polishes" the water before it re-enters the aquarium. If there are suspended particules in the water try adding some Accuclear first.
This solution "clumps" together suspended particules and brings them down to the substrate to be cleared by the filter unit as a solid.
I too kept Marines, and I have found my protein skimmer a useful tool for my freshwater set-up. Have you tried using yours?
Thanks for the advice.

I still have my Protein Skimmer BUT did not know I could ALSO use it for freshwater! Thanks for the advice. I'll hook it up this afternoon.

I'll also try a little Aquaclear.


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