Cloudy Water In Tank-can't Get It To Clear


New Member
Mar 21, 2009
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I have a 2.5 gallon tank that houses 3 little female bettas. I did a partial water change last weekend (about 50%) and since then, the water has been looking cloudy. I've used a fizzy tab prior to adding the new water to make it safe for the fish. I've tried using those drops that are supposed to help clear the water but to no avail. I've checked the filter. It's working fine. Any thoughts on what might be going on? The water does not look dirty, just cloudy. I want it to be crystal clear again like it used to be. This is starting to really bug me. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Also since when could you buy a small betta?

If you bought it from a breeder you'd have thought they'd have told the purchaser the minimum requirments(?spelling)

Ok, ok, don't beat up on me. I KNOW they need a bigger tank. And yes, they are small...maybe an inch or so. They didn't come from a breeder but from a pet store. What horrifies me are these tiny little tanks the pet stores sell advertising them as Betta homes. How sad. That all being said. the three girls do great together. They don't fight and seem happy, active and healthy. They have room to swim around, plants to hide in, and are well loved and looked after every day.

In the meantime, I AM looking for some larger tanks. Due to space constraints (not to mention finances) I really can't get anything bigger than a 6 gallon right now.

No one here has bothered to address my initial question about the cloudy water. I don't think it is caused because of the small tank. If I'm recalling correctly, when I first got the the tank and the fish, the water was a bit cloudy for a week or two, and it seemed to settle down and the water became crystal clear. I'm hoping the same thing will happen this time around.
You might be better to post in the Betta section, they should be able to help you a lot more, also you should keep Bettas in a minimum of 5.

Didn't mean to beat up you , but as you get addicted you care a lot more!!!

Please try the Betta section, you'll get so much more info on there.

Not that i'm trying to get rid of you, all are welcome here, even a thickie like me has been welcomed!!! :nod:


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