Cloudy Water Before Cycling


New Member
Jun 21, 2012
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I've read the advice here and am going to start a fish less cycle of our new 54l tank, but I think we didn't wash one of the ornaments very well and the tank has gone cloudy and not cleared, after four days. Do I take the ornament out and wash it better or leave it in?! (I don't think it's the gravel as I added the ornament a day later and immediate cloudiness resulted)

Whatever I do with the ornament, should I then change the water before starting cycling? Or just get ammonia in there?!

Advice would be great thanks. Everything is so confusing!!

I've read the advice here and am going to start a fish less cycle of our new 54l tank, but I think we didn't wash one of the ornaments very well and the tank has gone cloudy and not cleared, after four days. Do I take the ornament out and wash it better or leave it in?! (I don't think it's the gravel as I added the ornament a day later and immediate cloudiness resulted)

Whatever I do with the ornament, should I then change the water before starting cycling? Or just get ammonia in there?!

Advice would be great thanks. Everything is so confusing!!

Hi there! When i started cyclin my tank 12 days ago my water also became cloudy after 4 days of cycling. I washed my ornaments and gravel. The cloudyness could probobly be bacterial bloom. I woke up today and saw my tank crystal clear.

Also try to just wash your ornament properly. Dont need to do a 100% water change. Maybe just about 10% waterchange would do.
Thanks! I have actually started cycling as I added food a few days ago - following fish shop instructions before I found the forum. I've added more food over the last few days so I guess I'm going with the food instead of pure ammonia method now... So it could be a bacterial bloom, but also due in part to ornament I am sure.
If its cloudy before adding food/ammonia/fish then its caused by ornament/gravel if its happened after adding food/ammonia/fish its likely to be a bacterial bloom.
Quickest way to get rid of bacterial bloom is to aerate the tank (airstone), forget water changes the bacteria multiplies faster than any amount of water changes possible.

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