Cloudy tank


New Member
Sep 16, 2024
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I decided to buy a new tank, washed everything, filled it up, was fine for a day or so was crystal clear. Within a couple of hours ghe water was cloudy. I haven't purchased any fish, wanted to get the tank ready first.
There are two causes of cloudy water.

Dust from the substrate if if was not washed enough.

Bacterial bloom. These are not the bacteria we want to grow in the filter. They live floating free in the water, feed on carbon based food (unlike the filter bacteria which feed on nitrogen based food) and multiply very quickly. The chlorine or chloramine added to the water supply by the water company stops the bacteria from multiplying and when dechlorinator is added it removes the chlorine/chloramine allowing them to start multiplying.
The good news is that the bacteria die off once their food supply has gone but as every tank is different it is impossible to say how long this will take. It usually lasts for less time than a fishless cycle takes, so it should be gone by the time the tank is ready for fish.
Hi Merlin, welcome to the forum, sadly there is no spell for cloudy water 😉

What is in the tank at the moment ?
What kind of substrate ? If you stir it, does it get worse ?

Probably suspended particles, I doubt any kind of bloom could occur that fast. You can give it some time or change the water...

Most of the time when it's fine dust from substrate, I do a 99% water change if it takes too long to settle.

And I'm not very patient at that.
Milky cloudy water is a bacterial bloom.
Green cloudy is an algal bloom.

Do a big (75%) water change and wipe the inside of the glass and it should clear up in a few days.

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