Cloudy Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 20, 2008
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Had my 200 litre tank about 5 years now with no problems, one of the bulbs has blown on the light and no fish added recently. The tank has gone a cloudy green colour, even after a 50% water change. Not sure why the tank is so cloudy but the fish seem fine at the moment, please help as I'm not sure what the problem is :(
If your using warm water to top it up it will be as i had that with mine so did 50% water change n put cold in worked gdd its been up bout 1 mth n still clean.
Yeah its like a green soup but not actually on the tank, but its in the water. It started before I did the water change and I only put the same tempeture water in as the tank temp, not warmer. I have attached a photo (if it works) to show you, you can hardly see the fish :( maybe i should do a water test just incase.
Thats Bad Lol Have U tride sumert caled Filter Aid That Mite do the job for you mate.
That's algae. Algae guide.

The main cause is an ammonia spike even if it is below the levels that you test for. Since you said one of your light bulbs had blown I wonder it the fluctuation in light could have caused it. Check for ammonia first.
Ok thank you both with your help, I have turned off the lights for three days and then will try another water change. I will keep you posted on the outcome and hopefully i can enjoy watching my fish again soon :)
No live plants in the tank at all, ive only just turned off the light so i will leave it a couple of days then do another water change.
Thats just an algae bloom, can happen for a number of reasons.
  1. Overfeeding (obvious remedy :rolleyes: )
  2. Cycling Tank (Cannot avoid)
  3. High Nitrates (Frequent water changes or use plants - plants feed on the nitrates)
  4. Low light
  5. Too much light (which may include Sunlight exposure, avoid placing your tanks directly in front of the windows)

Most of the above conditions can be avoided. Probably in your case its the low light with one of the bulbs busting.

Note: It is harmless to your fish so luckily you dont have to worry about that.
Ok I have now done 2 water changes of about 170 litres from my 200 litre tank, I have purchased two new bulbs and light unit which all work correctly now. One day after the water change it starts going green again, I have kept the tank in the dark before the water changes, Its starting to annoy me now as the tank has been fine for 5 years. I have even pruchased a new heater to make sure it was at the right tempature, anyone suggest anything else i can try? Im not over feeding them and the ammount of fish has been in the tank for atleast 3/4 months, also the tank has been in the same location for all 5 years. Please help !!

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