Cloudy Tank


New Member
Jan 17, 2007
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Hi ive recently brought a tank, Ive washed the gravel put a lump of bogwood in a few plastic plants filled with water, added water treatments and all was fine nice and clear.

I went to the pet shop and got 2 bottom feaders a rainbow shark and a shrimp warmed the bag in the tank for 15 mins and and slowly released them into the tank along with the water in the bag. Since then the tank has had a sort of cloudy effect to it and i dont know why.

Can anybody help me out ???

did you cycle the tank? how big is it?
it is a bacterial bloom, nothing to woory about.
this should clear up within a few days.
Monitor you water stats very closely. I wouldnt be surprised if you get a large ammonia/nitrite spike.

Did you do a fishless cycle?

The tank is only small at 21lts Its a Fish R Fun tank, My idea was if i enjoyed it then i will splash out on a large tank with all the trimmings. As for cycling a fishless tank I know i didnt do it the reason is I dont know what it is.

The tanks has had Tetra Aqua AquaSafe added and also Nutrafin Cycle (Is that what you mean by Cycling)

Having just read about this bacterial bloom it sounds exactly what i'm looking at.
I have 2 Corydora catfish and a Yamato shrimp surely the tank will be ok for the shark for a year ?

thanks for the link.

IMO the "liquids" added to the tank in what is led to beleive that it "cycles" our tanks - i dont this is true as the beneficial bacteria needed has to have a NH3 source and oxygen and being in a bottle added thats been on a shelf - can hardly be alive

me thinks you are going to have to properly cycle your tank

did you go through a similar process to this???.........


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