Cloudy Eyes?


Mar 23, 2003
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Today I noticed my female CT's eyes are a bit cloudy. They're not matte; they're shimmery, like platinum. :dunno: The pics were all taken this morning. The bottom right picture shows her eyes' 'cloudiness' the best. Sorry for the quality.

What do you think- does it look bad? For now I'm going to do daily water changes (she's in a 10g tank).

Mmm, it could be the start of cloudy eye; if you go to the main tropical fish forum, I believe they list fish ailments and treatment there - I advise checking on that board for how to adress the problem.
Well, it's caused by a bacterial infection or poor water quality. I usually do 40% water changes on the 10g once a week. I have four female bettas, live plants, and two filters in the tank, so I don't think water quality is the problem.

If it's a bacterial infection, it means it must be 'cured' using meds, correct? Or will daily water changes do the trick?

What about cateracts (I presume they're different from regular 'cloudy' eyes)? This pic is closer to how she looks, because it's mainly the centre of her eye that is shiny. (From
If it is a bacterial infection, you could try just doing daily water changes, but using meds would be more sure-fire...
If it turns out to be cataracts (I think fish can get cataracts?) then there's nothing you can do, really...
Thanks for the replies :)

If it is a bacterial infection, you could try just doing daily water changes, but using meds would be more sure-fire...
Hmm, I'll continue doing the water changes, and instead of using meds I'll try colloidal silver once it arrives. Unless it gets worse...

Cateracts mean the fish will slowly grow blind because they cover the eye, correct? So, other than that, it won't affect her health? :unsure:

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