My red wagtail platy has a cloudy eye today. It's her right eye and seems to be swollen as well.
I've had her for ten days, she was bought as part of initial stock for a newly setup tank. She had fry six days ago.
The tank was fishless cycled and water stats today are NitrAte 40ppm, Nitrite almost zero, Ammonia almost zero.
She is eating well and active, almost hyperactive in fact. Every day she spends nearly all her time swimming to and fro against the front glass as if desperate to escape.
The other occupants of the time are four smaller mickey mouse platies who were bought at the same time, they are all more relaxed, they explore the tank and interact socially with each other while she does not.
I've also noticed that her left gill (on the opposite side to the cloudy eye) has appeared to stick out very slightly for the last couple of days. It doesn't look serious but I've been keeping a close watch on it to ensure it doesn't get any worse.
Any advice on whether I should take action or leave it to heal itself appreciated.

I've had her for ten days, she was bought as part of initial stock for a newly setup tank. She had fry six days ago.
The tank was fishless cycled and water stats today are NitrAte 40ppm, Nitrite almost zero, Ammonia almost zero.
She is eating well and active, almost hyperactive in fact. Every day she spends nearly all her time swimming to and fro against the front glass as if desperate to escape.
The other occupants of the time are four smaller mickey mouse platies who were bought at the same time, they are all more relaxed, they explore the tank and interact socially with each other while she does not.
I've also noticed that her left gill (on the opposite side to the cloudy eye) has appeared to stick out very slightly for the last couple of days. It doesn't look serious but I've been keeping a close watch on it to ensure it doesn't get any worse.
Any advice on whether I should take action or leave it to heal itself appreciated.