cloudy eye..


Oct 6, 2003
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out to lunch
hi all
i have a female platty with a poorly eye looks 'cloudy' seems like she cant see very well having probs finding food has taken to sucking anything including her tankmates
what is it and what can i do for her?
Sounds like it might be pop-eye. How's the water coz it's caused mainly from bad water conditions and stress. Check your water and if there's any sign of ammonia or nitrite or a high concentration of nitrate, do a 30% water change. Also check to see if she's being bullied by any others.
Just do frequent water changes, get all water parameters to normal and cloudy/pop eye goes away on it's own.
she died
but only after bullying 5 of my 6 neons to death
not been a good week or two really
water is fine and has been for ages i did do a water change, tried warming the new water to make sure there wasnt too much of a shock - tank was at 30C in an attempt to treat for ich.
so in last couple of weeks stock has gone
from 3 2* platty, betta
to 2 1 platty, 1 betta
to 6 3 platty, 1 betta, 2 cory juli
to 4 3 platty, 1 betta
to 3 3 platty :-(
to 9 3 platty, 6 neons
to 8,7,6,5,4,3 in one day lost 5 neons and one platty
to 3 + fry - the remaining femaly platty dropped some fry on saturday night
sadly at least 2 got sucked into the filter
have seen about 6 others hiding in plants/stones

all my water params are fine, been treating for ich, but this platty got bad quick, i am sure she couldnt see and was nipping at the neons thinking they were food, the odd thing is the male platty, which was first fish in the tank was swimming alongside her looking like he was trying to stop her.
i had to go out, and when i returned she was dead floating vertical in the water head down

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