Closing Down Tank


New Member
Jun 3, 2010
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I am breaking down my tank due to moving and I want to start a Cichlid tank in my new place. My stock levels are really out of kilter as the BN's had a clutch of eggs whilst I was on holiday and I did not spot it until they hatched. This made fry capture a nightmare and I couldn't restock my other fish until I had cleared the babies.

Livestock: Male Pearl Gourami,
Age and condition: 3 years, good condition
Quantity for sale: 2
Reason for Sale: Moving house so breaking down tank and going for a Cichlid tank
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: Free to a good home
Notes - One can be a bit of a bully to the other so should either be separated or have a big enough tank to home them together, maybe with some other Pearls

Livestock: Red Tailed Shark
Age and condition: 3 years, good condition
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: Moving house so breaking down tank and going for a Cichlid tank
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: Free to a good home

Livestock: Marbled Hatchetfish
Age and condition: 18 months good condition
Quantity for sale: 4
Reason for Sale: Moving house so breaking down tank and going for a Cichlid tank
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: Free to a good home

Livestock: Cherry Barb
Now gone

Livestock: Polka Dot loach
Now gone

Livestock: Upside Down Catfish
Now gone

Livestock: Bristlenose Pleco (breeding pair).
Now gone

Livestock: Bristlenose Pleco babies, the remaining ones I didn't catch.
Age and condition: 1 year, good condition
Quantity for sale: 4-5
Reason for Sale: Moving house so breaking down tank and going for a Cichlid tank
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: Free to a good home

Location: Ashtead, Surrey KT21
Photographs: On request

All need to go over the next few weeks.

Thanks for looking,


EDIT: To update remaining fish.
Please could I take bn mate? Might have the upside down catfish too if that's ok? When do you need them picking up?
Oh, your not v far at all.
I would be very interested in the Cherry barb, upside down catfish and either loaches or few BN babies.
Nice addition to my current ones of 3 upside down catfishes, 4 cherry barbs, tiger barbs and humbug :) but thats only if Daniel isn't 100% on the upside down.
The adults please. I will take a few of the babies if that's ok too please. Sorry should have been clearer in my original post
Oh, your not v far at all.
I would be very interested in the Cherry barb, upside down catfish and either loaches or few BN babies.
Nice addition to my current ones of 3 upside down catfishes, 4 cherry barbs, tiger barbs and humbug :) but thats only if Daniel isn't 100% on the upside down.

As Daniel asked first I will let him have first refusal on the catfish. Fine for the barbs and loaches or a few babies. You can take your pick.

danielryan said:
The adults please. I will take a few of the babies if that's ok too please. Sorry should have been clearer in my original post

Sounds good. If you respond about the catfish for inquisitor86 we will then take it to pm's so you can get my address and arrange pickup etc.

dan I will pass on the upside down catfish. If you could please drop me an email with your address, and some time and dates that suit you. I'm working this weekend unfortunately.
Bump for the remaining fish. The tank is about to go up for sale in the equipment section so the fish really need to go to a good home or it will be back to the LFS.


Would you want all the bristlenose young to go together?

Nope take as many or as few as you like. Daniel wanted a few but that still leaves some. I can count at last six right now so there may be less than the 10-12 I originally stated.
Ok, final bump for the remaining fish. Flat move starts next Monday so if no takers by Saturday it will be down to the LFS. Please see original post for what is available.

sorry i have read some more about them and i don't think having any more would work so sorry
Can I take these please? I have four already so would be great to add to the group.

Livestock: Marbled Hatchetfish
Age and condition: 18 months good condition
Quantity for sale: 4
Reason for Sale: Moving house so breaking down tank and going for a Cichlid tank
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: Free to a good home


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