
Livestock/Equipment make-model-size/Wanted/Exchange/Plants: Mystery Snails black with stripes.
Age and condition: 4 months
Quantity for sale: over 100
Reason for Sale: babies need a home
Delivery or Collection: usps
Sales price: 2.00 per snail
Postage & Packaging: 5.00
Location: upstate ny
I am extremely pleased with the little guys that I purchased from Sailornight. They have proved an awesome addition to my planted tank.
The snails I got have also been great! Growing very nicely and keeping algae levels in my shrimp tank down! :D They go along well with ghost shrimp!

Fast shipping, great prices, everybody loves night! :D
why cant they be used for food?

are they plant munchers?
i would prefer my babies not be used for food for fish or ppl, even though mysteries can be used for escargo.

and no they are not plant munchers, soup has hers in a planted tank and they were fine in there. they don't bother plants at ally, they just climb on them

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