Cloning A Filter


Jun 26, 2007
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Can I use filter media from my indoor tropical tank to clone the filter for my outdoor pond???

Yes, but the amount wont be very big in relation to the filter for the pond I take it?. It wont take as long for the filter to catch if you didnt use any old media, but I think it will take a couple of weeks for the new filter to catch up.
right - so do I do the equivalent of a fishless cycle - like I did for my indoor?? (Still have some ammonia left over - so not a major problem)

The pond filter has some bio-balls in it and I have a spare holder in one of my indoor filters so I think I'll put the bio-balls in the indoor one for a while to get some bacteria on them. We go on holiday in 10 days so I will leave them in the indoor til after our hols I think?
If the pond is ready to go and its well covered then you can put everything in it now and it will mature slowly. The old media already has bacteria on it so wont take long to mature the whole of the pond filter.
Just check ammonia levels every couple of days.

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