Clip-on Water Polisher


Sep 24, 2012
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Manchester UK
I was just messing around when I did this, I think it might work but we will see.

I got the empty plastic Prime bottle, took the label off and drilled about 6 or 7 holes in a row from the top to the bottom.
Then I found an old piece of tubing that luckily fit just inside the neck of the bottle.
I stuffed the bottle with that fine filter media that looks like cotton wool.
Attached the tubing inside the bottle neck and attached the other end over the filter outlet so it made a kind of spray bar.

I'm thinking the filtered water on it's final return to the tank will go through this polisher and be even better quality and I'm not taking up room in the filter either.

Like I say I was just messing around to see if this worked or not I'm not trying to say this is what you all should do.
I had another idea as well for the clip-on, instead if the filter media you could add those 'Pure Balls' in there or both if you prefer that way they are not floating about in the tank and again I repeat they are not taking up space in the filter.
Well I did a large water change on my 360 Liter tank, this is the one I had the clip-on polisher on. So I decided to take it off and have a look inside, I was very pleased with what I saw.
I was loaded with black bits, these would have been pumped back in to tank but the clip-on collected them, this has give me the inspiration now to make a better one as this was just a crude model, so now I know it works!
OK again still a bit crude but you get the idea, polisher #1 I added filter wool, it was getting dirty after just a couple of weeks but all this would have gone back in to the tank. Also remember by clipping it on it saved space in the filter for ordinary media, this was just the last port of call for the water before it goes back in the tank.

polisher #2 again still experimental but this time I used a container with a snap lid, so I could replace the filter wool or pure balls which or add both, the thing it it works.

Polisher #2 (top photo) Polisher #1 (bottom photo)

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