Climbing Mt Kilimanjaro


Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2009
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Hi guys and gals,

I know this isnt the right place to post this, but this is where i am most active :)

Im looking to climb Mt Kilimanjaro in feb next year as a sponsored event for the charity Flying Kites.

There will be a group of 17 of us, and it will be filmed, possibly for television.

To do this i need to raise $5000 (yes dollars lol) asap, and will be putting a large amount in myself of course.
It will take roughly 11 days to do this, and will be more than a challenge.
Im not the most physically fit person by any means but im #41#### sure im going to give this my all! Being a father with a very low, almost nothing, income, i know what its like to go without, but not to an extent anywhere near what these poor children live with everyday.

If you are able, and willing of course to donate any amount, small or large, please let me know either in this thread or by pm, or by email
I am currently getting all the paperwork, sponsor forms, legal info up and running and can provide that very soon.

Please think about this properly, its a very worthwhile cause, and will also be amazing for the 17 of us taking part.
Also, it isnt just about the climb, we are also going to partake in 4 days of building housing and facilities for the children and helping out the extremely dedicated staff at Flying Kites.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this, and i hope you can help out :)

My personal donations page is here -

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