Clicking Sounds From A Clown Loach


Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2006
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Sydney, Australia
Hi all. Just wondering if anybody has experienced this before. A clown loach making clicking noises. Is it because it is eating and it likes the food you gave it? Thats what i read and not really sure. Cheers :D
It is not just clowns that click
all botias that I have kept do so too
the loudest I've heard so far are Skunk loaches
with orange fin blue botias comming in a close second.
True. I hear it almost every feeding.

Among other loaches, skunks are indeed loud (but this is no reason to have them around...) and polka-dots do it pretty well too (once they reach about 2"). Khulis and Schisturas don't.
Not just Botias either. Bala sharks and similar cyprinids also click.
Yip, I have heard balas clicking too! I have been told that Clowns also do this :)
My clown loach do it aswell, I thought for ages that the noise was the glass termometer tapping off the glass but it turns out its the clown loach.....the novelty soon wears off when you're trying to watch the TV

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