

Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Cali
Cletus's tail has gotten progressively worse over the last month. The tips of his tail are so curly that is looks painful.

Last night, I spotted something strange on the edge his anal fin. It's hard to describe, but to me it looks like a fuzzy lint ball. It appears that his tail is deteriorating.

He seems to be healthy otherwise. He eats like a cow and is very active. I've attached pictures. The quality isn't fantastic but I hope they'll do. Let me know what your diagnosis is. Or if you think I'm being a worry wart.

And before you say Bettamax, I already treated. :p



Tail rot maybe? or perhapse some hard/ jagged/ rough decoration in his tank? have you treated him for funguss's?
bettamax is more of a preventative than a treatment... at least I think..

it could be tail rot.. adding salt is always good
rykitten, this happened to me with my betta Bitey. He had some fin disintigration and little puffballs of mouldy looking things on the ends of his fins. I treated with bettamax (antibiotic), maroxy (fungucide), and some salt (and lots of clean water). It seemed to get worse for a week or so, then better, very slowly. The fin bits with the mould/fungus on them eventually died and fell off, and then he started to get better. It's been about 2 months now, and he's as healthy as he's ever been - It hasn't come back.

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